Maungatautari Marae Grant

Per Capita Grant Administration Policy

To download a copy of the Per Capita Grant Administration Policy Click Here

Grant Guidelines


As set out by Tainui

  1. The Per Capita Grant must be used for purposes within New Zealand which are charitable according to the law of New Zealand and which:
  2. in respect of members of Waikato:
    • promote the relief of the aged or poor members or those suffering from mental or physical sickness or disability or incapacity; or
    • are for the advancement of their education or learning; or
    • promote their mental or physical well-being; or
  3. promote the educational, spiritual, economic, social or cultural advancement of the iwi of Waikato and its various hāpu including the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time activities; or
  4. are otherwise for the benefit Of Waikato

As set out by Maungatautari Marae Whānau

  1. This is a one off grant for Individuals and Group Applications
  2. Applications from Individuals will receive no more than $200.00
  3. Applications from Groups will receive no more than $1,500.00
  4. Project/Initiative/Event Applications will receive no more than $5,000.00 and can apply a maximum of 3 times

Grant Conditions

  1. Applications from Individuals and Groups shall produce a tangible outcome
  2. Applicants shall provide a report either in writing to the Grant Committee or in person at a Marae hui
  3. Applicants must provide an Accountability Report to the Grant Committee

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Maungatautari Marae must be the applicants registered Primary Marae on either the Tainui or Ngāti Koroki Kahukura Ben Roll
  2. Reside in New Zealand
  3. Present evidence for accountability with the application
  4. Application must align to the Maungatautari Marae values outlined on page 4 of the application
  5. Funding can only be used for purchases made after receiving the Per Capita Grant

Application Process

  1. Applications are submitted to
  2. The application is received by the Grant Committee who do an initial assessment before tabling the application at a Marae hui
  3. Applicants are invited to speak to their application at the Marae hui. If in the event a vote is taken in respect of the application, the applicant and any others involved with the application may be requested to vacate the hui
  4. All applications MUST be passed and supported by Maungatautari Marae whānau at a Marae hui
  5. Whānau present at the Marae hui will provide feedback to guide the Grant Committee with the final stage of the process – allocation of funds
  6. Applicants will be advised of the outcome within 2 days after the Marae Hui
  7. All decisions are FINAL

Grant Committee

Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Member: Sara Tairi Contact Bella
Marae Chair: Poto Davies Contact Taiapa
Kaumātua Representative: Johnson Raumati Contact Johnson
Rangatahi Representative: Hinerangi Kara Contact Hinerangi
Whānau Appointed Member: Vacant Vacant

Application Definitions

Applications Definitions
Individuals The applicant is the only recipient of the Grant. The purpose of its intended use is specifically for the individual.
Groups The applicant is applying for the grant on behalf of a group. The purpose of its intended use is for the benefit of a group.
Projects/ Initiatives/ Events The applicant is applying for the grant to either begin or advance a Maungatautari Marae whānau driven Project/Initiative/Event. The purpose of its intended use is for the benefit of Maungatautari Marae Whānau.


Any person may lodge a complaint in relation to this policy, its implementation or an alleged breach. All complaints must be sent to or any member of the Marae Committee. The complaint will be discussed at a Grant and/or Marae Committee meeting. Unless otherwise advised, a response will be issued to the person within 2 weeks of lodging the complaint.


Application Download
Per Capita Grant Application for Individuals or Groups Click Here
Per Capita Grant Application for Maungatautari Marae Projects/Initiatives/Events Click Here


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