
He aha i karangatia ai te manuwhiri?

I mua o te whakatau, me āta whakarongo ki te tangi o te hunga kaua e hikaka ki te noho. He tohu aroha tēnei.

Ko te hua o te karanga, he hōnore, he whakawātea.

Why are the manuwhiri given a karanga to sit?

Before sitting it is important to listen to the wailing of the assembled do not rush to sit down. This is a sign of respect.

The purpose of the karanga is to honour and release our aroha (for the departed).

He aha i karangatia ai ngā koha e takoto ana ki runga i ngā marae o Tainui?

Hei karanga whakatau i te pūtea aroha mō te kaupapa o te wā.

Why is the koha given a karanga when presented on marae in the Tainui area?

To acknowledge the gift given to the hosts of the occasion.

Ka whaitikanga te takotoranga o ngā karanga?

Ae, ko te mea tuatahi ki te Kahui Āriki mehemea ka tae rātou. Tuarua; ki ngā mate, tuatoru ki te kaupapa o te hui.

Ka tuku he wā hei tangi, kātahi ka karanga ki a rātou ki te noho ara te karanga whakatau.

Is there a special order in which the karanga are done?

Yes, the first is to acknowledge the “Kahui Āriki” if they are in attendance. Secondly; to those who have passed on, thirdly to acknowledge the reason for the hui.

A time is given for the visitors to mourn, then the karanga whakatau is given inviting them to sit.

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