Marae Booking Information
*Please note that for the foreseeable future all bookings will incur a mandatory $150.00 Marae Sanitisation Fee.
Marae Hireage Manual
Please download the Maungatautari Marae Users Manual
Tangihanga takes precedence over any marae booking. If a Tangihanga occurs, your Contact person will be notified immediately. The marae will endeavour to secure other suitable accommodation at the same rate or less, if more, this will be at your expense. You will be charged for nights spent at Maungatautari marae, and any residual monies will be returned back to you.
Bond, Hireage & Cancellation
- A bond of $400 must be paid to secure your booking. This will be refunded once the marae has been inspected following your stay. Hireage charges, except for Tangihanga, must be paid in full, excluding the bond, at least 5 Days prior to entry to the marae. Your bond is non-refundable should you cancel your booking within 14 days of your booking date.
- In the event that the bond is not paid within the two (2) months, the tentative booking will be removed from the Marae Calendar.
- Your booking payment will be non-refundable should you cancel your booking within 14 days of your booking date.
Agreement & Obligation
Your contact person is obliged to perform or delegate someone to oversee a final check of the Marae. The (End of Hui) notes in the Marae Users Manual are helpful and should be checked carefully before departure. Should you leave the marae in an unsatisfactory condition, your group will incur a cleaners fee and will be charged to you at $100 per hour. This will be deducted from your bond and if monies owed, you will receive an invoice for services rendered for the labour and material costs required to bring the marae back up to the standard it was prior to your groups arrival. You will also receive a report of what was unsatisfactory about the way your group left the marae and earn a demerit point. Earn more than 5 demerit points will result in the marae no longer accepting any bookings from your group.
Hireage Conditions
- Whanau may enter the Marae after 12.00 noon and must clean up and depart by 12.00 noon on the last day.
- The marae accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to a hirer’s property if good, commons sense practice was not followed.
- Should you leave the Marae unattended, either take your valuables with you or lock them securely and ensure that your hui organiser has the keys.(Please take good care of these keys otherwise you will have to replace them!)
- Marae Property is for use on the Marae only and is not to be removed under any circumstances.
- Drugs and gang patches/insignia are absolutely forbidden throughout the entire marae complex and grounds
- This marae is smoking is permitted in the designated smoking areas only which is behind the old tool shed. See figure 22 in the Marae Manual.
- The hirer is responsible for loss or damage of equipment as determined by the Marae Committee. Please report any loss or damages.
- The facilities and equipment are used at the hirer’s risk. The Maungatautari Marae Committee will not be liable for any injuries caused at Maungatautari Marae.
- All general cleaning equipment; gas for water heating and cooking; gas lighters for ovens and burners; light bulbs and vacuum bags are provided by the Marae.
Hazard Register
Your contact person or their delegated person will be notified of any hazards on the marae, they will be required to sign the register and they will be required to notify their visitors of these hazards in the interest of safety for all concerned.
Fire Safety
Your Contact person or their delegated person is obliged to advise and oversee that all people staying or visiting the marae are aware of where the fire hoses, extinguishers, fire exits, evacuation plans and assembly areas are on the marae.
Please note the following:
- Fire Hose and a Fire Extinguisher in the foyer of Te Manawanui (the Meeting House).
- Fire Hose outside the Tirohia (Dining Room)
- Wet Fire Extinguisher, Dry Fire Extinguisher, Fire Blanket and Fire Alarm in the Tirohia kitchen area.
- Fire Exits are as indicated over the doors.
- Assembly Area is outside the Waharoa beside Hicks Road.
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