He aha te take ka pōwhiritia e tātou i ngā manuwhiri?
E pōwhiri ana koe te tangata whenua i ngā manuwhiri, i ngā mate hoki kua wheturangitia; ki runga i te papa, ki reira tangi ai.
What is the reason we welcome visitors?
This is an opportunity for the hosts to invite the visitors and their deceased to the marae for us all to publicly grieve.
Ka pēwhea te pōwhiri mehemea he wāhine katoa te ope whakaeke?
Whakanohohia te manuwhiri me tū tonu te kawa o te marae. Ka mutu te whaikōrero ka rūrū, ka hongi.
What happens at a pōwhiri where the guests are all women?
The guests are seated as outlined in the protocol of the marae. Once the welcoming speech is concluded they shake hands and hongi.
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