He aha te take i uhia ai te kāwhena i te whitu karaka i te ata o te rā nehu?
Hei tautoko i te karakia o te ata.
Why is the coffin closed at 7.00 in the morning of the burial day?
To support the morning service.
Ko wai ngā tāngata i awhi mai nei i te taha o te tupapaku ā kei whea ā rātou nohonga?
Ka noho te pouaru me te whānau pani i te taha maui o te tupapaku (i te wā ka aro atu i te wharenui) ā ka tukuna tērā atu taha ki te whānau whānui.
Who should be sitting with the tupapaku and where?
The widowed person/s sits on the left hand side of the tupapaku (when looking from the wharenui) and the other side is designated for the rest of the whānau.
He aha te take i uhia ai te kāwhena i te korowai?
He tohu rangatira, he tohu taonga i tuku iho nā ngā mātua tūpuna.
Why is the coffin covered with a cloak?
As a sign of a chief, a treasure passed down from our ancestors.
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