Ko te Rūrū
He aha te take ka timata mai i te taha matau ki te taha maui mō te hariru?
Kei te hunga kainga ngā tohu mō tō rātou nei papa.Mehemea he mate e takoto ana, haere te manuwhiri ki te pae mate i mua i te huri ki te hunga ora. Koira hoki te pūtake o te whakaeke, mihi ki te take haere ki te hunga ora.
What is the reason we start from the right hand side and move to the left hand side when we shake hands?
The host people determines what happens on their marae.If the occasion is a tangi the visitors go to the bereaving section before going to the living. This is also the reason for the arrival of people to greet the purpose of the hui and then the living.
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