He aha te tikanga o te parekawakawa?
He tikanga o Tainui no mai rā anō. He tohu aroha ki te hunga mate.
What is the significance of the parekawakawa?
This is an old custom of Tainui from many years ago. A symbol of respect for those who have passed on.
He aha i takoto ai te parekawakawa i te taha o te kāwhena?
He tohu aroha ki te aitua me hora atu ki te aroaro o te mate. Ka takoto i te mutunga o te hongi ā ka nehua i te taha o te tupapaku.
Why is the parekawakawa laid beside the coffin?
A sign of respect to the deceased as a shedding of sorrow for the deceased. The parekawakawa is laid at the end of the hongi and is buried at the side of the deceased.
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